{Louanne Henderson ~ Marylou}

Uma vez descrita por Jack Kerouac como “ uma ninfeta de cabelos sujos, longos e loiros”, era a noiva de 16 anos de Neal Cassady, quem ele deixou por Carolyn. Neal tinha visto os lindos cachos de Louanne numa farmácia e anunciou: “Essa é a garota com que vou casar”. Um mês depois- ele casou-se numa terrível nevasca antes do Natal. Eles decidiram ter a lua de mel na estrada e dirigiram-se para New York num carro roubado com poucas roupas, um volume de Shakeaspeare, e um de Proust “O tempo redescoberto”. Louanne era aventureira como Neal, o personagem da garota em On The Road é baseado nela. 
(Fonte: on the road blog)


We're on the road
We know where to go, we know
We know who to trust in
You were howling naked, howling naked
Last night

Do you know your road
Sailing in a sad little boat
An old south story ends
But you don't know where your heart belongs

"I was lost when you met me last night
You said you love but you don't know why
Because they call me when they're feeling bored
You're the only don't think I'm a teenage whore"

It's on the road
You throw your sins in the window
In the window
In the window

Only we know
Where we shall go
Only we know
Where we shall go


I saw you cry
Thinking about the life
Feeling bad for not forget
What you did last night

I like to think
That wasn't just a wink
That burned inside a spark of love
Then put out with the words you told
To make me know there was not hope

In the backseat
It's all right
Hold my hand and watch the night

In the night
Our love died
You were wrong and I was right
Wasting time
We forget and nevermind
When it died

* Poemas em homenagem a Louanne Henderson, que junto com Neal Cassady e Jack Kerouac marcaram não só um momento revolucionário na literatura (o movimento beat) mas fizeram suas vidas pedaços de uma eterna estrada.