Are yoy ready?

                                                                      THE LIGHT


We’re gonna cry
We’re gonna make a trip deep inside our souls
We’re learn someday
Before the global warming fry us today

But now the time is fast
We have to be fast
I’m sure something is changed

I believe in something better
I know that this time it won’t let us down
But if you’re feeling so small
We can take a round and get this town

And if we would be the last?
And if we would be the first?
Prove me we can do our best
Prove me someday we’ll rest

I know you’re sad still
But if you don’t believe you can’t choose what to feel
Crying black and blue
Now you’re owing and I’m losing you (blame the fate)
Now you owns my heart and we’re gonna fry (blame the fate)
In the end of the world i never won’t let you down

Just blame the fate
Just blame the fate
 We’re gonna rest someday
(just blame the fate)
We’re choosing our own way
(just blame the fate)
No one’s safe today
(just blame the)

I’m gonna hold your hand
Even if you’re gone even if i can’t
But our hearts still
They still remember something that won’t change

And if we would be the last?
And if we would be the first?
Prove me we can do our best
Prove me someday we’ll rest

Just blame the fate
Just blame the fate
 we’re gonna rest someday
(just blame the fate)
We’re choosing our own way
(just blame the fate)
Noone’s safe today
(just blame the)
Noone’s safe today

We’re gonna blame on it
We’re gonna blame on it
Our children blame on it
Our parents blame on it
Animals blame on it
The old ones blame on it
The new ones blame on it
The black ones blame on it
The blue ones blames on it
The forest blame on it
The wind blame on it
Blame on it!
Blame on it!

Blame on it!


I have been
Living in the attic
Maybe there’s a crowd
Outside trying to kill me

Fighting to my parents
Trying to contain thousands
And thousands of sand
The sand from the garden
The garden outside

And new, you’ll always remember
Remember our tricks to walk around
Around your mother’s roof
We’re patrolling the attic, looking for some great
A great adventure

And stocking seeds, we’re gonna make a garden
A garden made of dreams
So we’re planning the future, and we’re gonna toast
Planning the present and mistaking the future

We’re back to the attic
Lying about our ages
Even in the crowd
We still don’t know how

Blaming our grandparents
Thousands and thousands of grains
The grains of the garden
The grains of our lives
Growing in the same garden

Patrolling the attic, patrolling the attic
Picking the seeds, picking the future


My, my, my old friends
They’re all leaving my neighborhood

And so, so my bike started to rust
I can’t go anywhere
And now, and then, you’re so far
Far away from me
Far away of here
Living in the shadows

Six years was passed and we’re not the same
And now we’re blaming the fate
You said “don’t be afraid, you will get it someday”
Sailing in my head

The bridges we build someday, and now it’s rusting by the time we crossed
The monsters in the neighborhood tried to eat our childhood, but we had cousins
Cousins that is forgotten, forgotten in that party like we always knew they would
Cousins all sleeping in one bed only  

The bit of the vacation we ate it in the summer, the summer we met ourselves
We all changing the colors, the colors of the town
But the town is fast, fast like our lives, lives we used to know
Times that we played without sleeping wasting all our time

Afraid of growing up
Growing like the town
We’re gonna learn no longer
No longer the time is past


I can’t hid, I can’t fight
Eight long legs against the light
They can jump but they can’t fly
That’s not funny that’s not right

Find the Death in one bite
Eight black eyes in the dark
Webs that make the sad lives
Share the same fears in the dark

Shadows jumping on the wall
Volunteer to break the law
Searching for a spark of light, shining somewhere tonight
Fighting to the grinning jumpers
Lightning to the smolder creepers
Who dare to come out, can’t talk how is the world about

Shadows jump, we hear them speak
Old friends hunt while we sleep
Who’s inside doesn’t know outside
Enemy lies beside

Please don’t talk or you can die, save your soul while inside
Faking everything’s fine, the better way to stay alive

Only we know

Kill the shadows of your soul


All these gold days we used to waste
Riding and listening the songs of the summer
We used to write
Write one to another

Someday we know that we’re gonna cry
Soon or later the world will fry and die
We found the light
Shining among the darkness

Summer time, it set us free
Day and night, we shall know
Summer time, you broke me
Keep it hidden from everyone

Dogs barking out there they wake us up
When we were afraid we used to cry
But now we go to shop something
To pay the cost

Inafiaciable crimes we did
Stoling old coins from the dead
Coin machines of your dad
To pay the cost

Summer time, it set us free
Long long nights untill we sleep
Summer time, we shall know

Keep it hidden from everyone…


Every cold night and every hot day
I remember the smell of wet wood
The neighbor Monster
He eats children
He used to listen Alice Cooper

You always told me: “the neighbor’s a liar”!

Bad Wolf howling, inside the closet
Bad Wolf howling for your babies
And if knew it, should’ve call the police
And if you did it, just blame the police

You always told me: “the neighbor’s a liar”!
The children need some food
He eats their childhood

Your older sister, she’s dating a monster
And now the neighbors run with lightning torches
They want to kill the son of Shelley
He’s just another that fell in love
You always told me: “the neighbor’s a liar”!
The children need some food
He eats their childhood

The Shelley son chose to wait the lightning fire
Now the children can escape
Love the risk of being alive
Love the risk of being alive
Now the children can escape

Now the kids can kiss


And if the time blows our lives…

Spreading them all in wind

Someday I woke up
Waiting for your letter to tell me something real
Thinking about our childhood lost somewhere in the past

You used to believe me
Making bridges and towers of our own land
And since fate teared us apart
I don’t recognize you and so you do the same
I hope you would remember something in your face

But you should go away, we’re gonna meet someday
Even seems it’s late
We shall know what to say

We tried to draw the future
Made of golden days, but then they are so grey
We knew, that’s not surprise, everything has the price
Of living a perfect life
We knew, it will change our lives, I saw it in your eyes

But it has to be this way, we’re gonna learn someday
Even seems it’s late
We know the words to say

What make you dream, can make you cry
For burn your sins you have to pray… tonight
The shadows from deep in your heart
They fear your kiss, but they still hurt! 



- CHILDHOOD #1 (Bridges)
- CHILDHOOD #2 (Shelley)
- CHILDHOOD #3 (Hollow)
- CHILDHOOD #4 (6 Years)

{Louanne Henderson ~ Marylou}

Uma vez descrita por Jack Kerouac como “ uma ninfeta de cabelos sujos, longos e loiros”, era a noiva de 16 anos de Neal Cassady, quem ele deixou por Carolyn. Neal tinha visto os lindos cachos de Louanne numa farmácia e anunciou: “Essa é a garota com que vou casar”. Um mês depois- ele casou-se numa terrível nevasca antes do Natal. Eles decidiram ter a lua de mel na estrada e dirigiram-se para New York num carro roubado com poucas roupas, um volume de Shakeaspeare, e um de Proust “O tempo redescoberto”. Louanne era aventureira como Neal, o personagem da garota em On The Road é baseado nela. 
(Fonte: on the road blog)


We're on the road
We know where to go, we know
We know who to trust in
You were howling naked, howling naked
Last night

Do you know your road
Sailing in a sad little boat
An old south story ends
But you don't know where your heart belongs

"I was lost when you met me last night
You said you love but you don't know why
Because they call me when they're feeling bored
You're the only don't think I'm a teenage whore"

It's on the road
You throw your sins in the window
In the window
In the window

Only we know
Where we shall go
Only we know
Where we shall go


I saw you cry
Thinking about the life
Feeling bad for not forget
What you did last night

I like to think
That wasn't just a wink
That burned inside a spark of love
Then put out with the words you told
To make me know there was not hope

In the backseat
It's all right
Hold my hand and watch the night

In the night
Our love died
You were wrong and I was right
Wasting time
We forget and nevermind
When it died

* Poemas em homenagem a Louanne Henderson, que junto com Neal Cassady e Jack Kerouac marcaram não só um momento revolucionário na literatura (o movimento beat) mas fizeram suas vidas pedaços de uma eterna estrada.


Je nage
Je nage
Je nage
Against the time
Against the time

Je t'aime
Je t'aime
Je t'aime
Don't have to lie
Don't have to lie

Ce sera mon trou
Mon trou, mon trou

It hurts
It hurts
It hurts
Mais ce me suivent
Me suivent, me suivent

Don't you even know
Don't you even know
Mi amour


La pomme sur le piano
La pomme sur le piano
Dans le noir
Dedans mon coeur

La pomme pur les chevaux
La pomme pur les chevaux
La poison pomme d'amour
Dedans mon poême

La pomme qui n'est pas mûr
La pomme je faire de cadeaux
Que j'aie le chenille
Sur le piano

Living In The Shadows (Prologue)

I was living in the
shadows before
someone turn the
lights on

To bring me back
to life

And I was crying
in the darkest

Before you take
my hand

And we
begin to live

Let's begin
Let's begin
Let's begin
To live

Let's ride
Let's begin
Let's run

in the

Living In The Shadows [Lights Out]

Nós chegamos a uma cidade desconhecida
Uma cidade sem luz
Nós demos uma volta, de olhos fechados
As dúvidas vagavam

Os amantes estão escondidos
[Sem previsões de luz]

Da próxima vez eu não vou errar
[Sem previsões de luz]

Ninguém vê minhas lágrimas tristes
[Sem previsões de luz]

Nós dividimos o mesmo balanço
Nós dissemos os nossos sentimentos escondidos
Nós crescemos neste escuro
Vamos dar as mãos e sonhar no escuro

Espero sem esperança
[Vivendo nas sombras]

Seguro a mão de um desconhecido
[Vivendo nas sombras]

Alguém está mentindo
[Vivendo nas sombras]

Living In The Shadows [Lovers In The Shadows]

A cidade está no escuro
Os amantes estão juntos
Mas estamos todos cegos
A mão que você está segurando
Este não é o seu amor

Quando estou com medo eu fecho os olhos
Mas agora está tudo no escuro
Você está sonhando ou tendo um pesadelo?
Estamos vivendo na escuridão
Alguém, por favor, ascenda as luzes

Nós dividimos o mesmo balanço
Nós dissemos nossos sentimentos escondidos
Você não consegue olhar no olho
Nós teremos crescido quando tudo isso acabar
Vamos dar as mãos e sonhar juntos

Eu ainda  fecho os olhos quando estou com medo
Nós correríamos se pudéssemos enxergar
Agora o jantar é mais romântico
Nossas risadas ecoam na escuridão
Quem desligou as luzes?

Estamos vivendo na escuridão
Segurando mãos de estranhos
Procurando por nossos parentes
Sem saber ao certo que horas ir pra cama
Estamos todos vivendo no escuro
Caindo mesmo em lugares familiares
Sem saber quem está dizendo a verdade
                                "LIVING IN THE SHADOWS"

* Living In The Shadows [Lovers In The Shadows]*

* Living In The Shadows [Lights Out]*
* Living In The Shadows (Prologue)*


BLACK WAVES é a minha nova série de poemas. Por se tratar de uma série em especial, eu reservei um outro blog somente para os seus poemas. Aqui segue o link para acessá-lo:
